5 Ways to Maintain Your Health While Working Long Event Hours

Working long hours during the day can be both exhausting and take a toll on the tasks that need to be done. Not only is it hard, but it can also cause a good deal of health-related issues. 

Being in one situation for hours on end can impact all parts of the body. Through lack of fresh air, the feeling of being run down and either the continuous running around or the little to no exercise, by the end of the day, it leaves you feeling depleted. 

This is an all too regular feeling for many of us event planners. The long dreary days cause nothing but the feeling of boredom.

But surprisingly, there are many ways this feeling can be fought against. With some helpful tips, the workday can be much less harmful on the body, and allow the day to be finished not feeling weak and exhausted. 

1. Track Eating Habits

When working long hours, it can be tempting to tuck into any available snack just to stay occupied for a few moments. However, this is likely the reason for the sluggish feeling experienced throughout the day.

The combination of continuous snacking and sitting in a stationary position can cause anyone to feel dull and heavy. The best option to elevate this problem is by monitoring food consumption, and diet choices throughout the day.

a healthy packed lunch

Avoid snacking on comforting foods and focus on eating the healthier choices of fruit, vegetables and any low-fat snacks such as nuts or cereals as the office drawer filler instead. 

In eating these types of foods over the sugary treats will leave a feeling of energy and remove any heaviness that may have been experienced in the past. 

2. Simplify Things

When there is a long workday approaching, everyday tasks can be pushed aside. Because energy is already running low, it would be beneficial to learn to take things the simple route, to conserve any leftover attentiveness for the working day. 

For example in the mornings, reach for the clothes that are smart, but iron easy. Next, plan and prepare meals the night before, or for the entire week. This will diminish any fast food pit stops, and force a healthy meal to be eaten daily throughout your events.

Ensure that there is organization throughout the day. Any tasks will be better noted down, alarms set, and always leave time for a shower. By keeping to a time scale, there is no reason for stress and it reduces the chance of feeling demotivated or tired. 


3. Hydrate, And Hydrate Again

Running around or sitting in an air-conditioned office can be dehydrating on the body and the skin. This can quickly make anyone feel fatigued and light-headed. 

From this feeling, people tend to not reach for a glass of water, but a form of energy drink to ease the feeling of tiredness such as coffee or sugary drink.

This only makes matters worse.

Instead, it is important to note that when you are lethargic, water is the best combat method. Drinking a large glass of water can aid the oxygen and blood flow around the body which causes the feeling of energy to be released

a water tumbler

To implement this habit into the working day, ensure there is always a refillable water bottle at hand, whether on the desk or to be carried around.

Being regularly available will force the habit of taking a sip every few minutes, helping to stay hydrated throughout the whole day. 


4. Take A Light Walk

It’s very easy to lose concentration when working on one task for too long and over sitting. From this, the production levels decline, and the quality of work produced gets lower as the day progresses. 

To stop this, take a shift break and go for a light, refreshing walk. Avoid using the excuse of having far too much to do, a break is much better spent outside and moving, then cooped up in one space. 

This will help in being able to focus on any task needed. By taking in some natural daylight and moving the muscles aids in waking up the body and boosting energy levels, to return to work ready to continue the rest of the day. 


5. Get Enough Sleep

It has been suggested by many sleep experts, that an adult should get no less than 8 hours of sleep per night. But, for someone who works long, demanding hours; although tiring, they may find it hard to switch off when it gets to bedtime.

Without at least 8 hours of sleep, lack of concentration and fatigue will be experienced making workday performance suffer. 

a woman sleeping on bed

By being able to establish a daily sleep routine, getting 8 hours every day will become a regular thing.

Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day is the easiest way to begin a routine, and continue to do this, even on the weekends. 



Most jobs can be very demanding at times; forcing the most effort out of us due to their nature. If your job is one that is constantly demanding the most lengthy working hours, then you will soon begin to feel very unmotivated, sluggish and mainly underappreciated.

By following the simple steps above, it will be much easier to tackle each workday and finish with a little more fresh energy in your system, rather than dragging yourself home only to be buried between the duvet within minutes of walking through the front door.

Something as simple as ensuring you drink enough water, get enough sleep and eat some fruit each day, will all work to diminish any negative feeling and help your mind and body feel rejuvenated and ready for the next challenge ahead. 



picture of Sydney Tierney


Author Bio: Sydney Tierney

Sydney Tierney just recently finished her studies, is working her way into the world of content writing as a digital marketing assistant on a broad range of topics from gaming to reviewing spa treatments. 




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